Big Sur Destination Stewardship Project

Big Sur is ranked as one of the top 35 tourist hotspots on the globe. As challenges mount due to an increase in visitors, CABS is at the forefront in calling for a Big Sur Destination Stewardship Project (DSP). A DSP process provides a pathway for communities to collaboratively assess and co-design innovative management solutions to address visitation, natural resource protection, economic impacts and community well-being.

The Big Sur Pledge

The increase in the number of visitors to Big Sur is challenging the existing infrastructure and impacting the safety and well-being of visitors, residents and the fragile natural environment. All of us can make a positive difference to share, protect and nurture Big Sur. Help us by taking and activating the Big Sur Pledge.

The Big Sur Pledge

The increase in the number of visitors to Big Sur is challenging the existing infrastructure and impacting the safety and well-being of visitors, residents and the fragile natural environment. All of us can make a positive difference to share, protect and nurture Big Sur. Help us by taking and activating the Big Sur Pledge.

Sycamore Canyon Shuttle

This multistakeholder project seeks to address hazardous traffic and pedestrian conditions on the Sycamore Canyon Road access to Pfeiffer Beach.

California Coastal Trail: Big Sur Section

Big Sur property owners and residents successfully petitioned the State of California to self-determine the CCT trail alignment through Big Sur. CABS is the fiscal sponsor for this project.

California Coastal Trail: Big Sur Section

Big Sur property owners and residents successfully petitioned the State of California to self-determine the CCT trail alignment through Big Sur. CABS is the fiscal sponsor for this project.

Disaster Recovery

CABS serves as an emergency management liaison between government agencies, donors and the local community. Our goal is to enable our community to recover as quickly as possible following flood, fire and road closures. Financial aid comes from the generosity of donors within the Big Sur Community, from our partners on the Monterey Peninsula and the many donors from around the world who love Big Sur.

CABS provides disaster recovery services such as financial aid, ash and debris removal, and road, water and septic repair cost recovery post fire, flood and road closures.

Disaster relief efforts are on-going for impacts resulting from COVID-19. To file a request for a relief grant, please email your request to

Community Housing and Visitor-Serving Infrastructure

Big Sur, like many rural communities, suffers from an insufficient supply of community housing and visitor-serving infrastructure. Lack of housing for employees in local businesses and community-serving non-profits can result in long commutes and staff retention challenges. The lack of public restroom facilities places an undue burden on small businesses and state and federal parks to address the traveling public’s restroom needs. CABS explored several potential sites over the past decade and is in the process of exploring the Naval Facility at Point Sur as a potential site.

Community Housing and Visitor-Serving Infrastructure

Big Sur, like many rural communities, suffers from an insufficient supply of community housing and visitor-serving infrastructure. Lack of housing for employees in local businesses and community-serving non-profits can result in long commutes and staff retention challenges. The lack of public restroom facilities places an undue burden on small businesses and state and federal parks to address the traveling public’s restroom needs. CABS explored several potential sites over the past decade and is in the process of exploring the Naval Facility at Point Sur as a potential site.


PO Box 59 Big Sur,
CA 93920



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